Thursday, September 4, 2008

Seems I missed the contest also!

Talk about being behind! I thought I was doing well, finishing up the book for the organization I volunteer at, getting us packed and ready for vacation...and then suddenly it is time to return from that same vacation and I realized I did nothing with the blog. Or much else in the design area or anywhere else for that matter. We did a total "recoup" on ourselves this vacation. We rested, visited with family some, a few friends who stopped over and worked on the yard. Nothing else. Although the yard is large. I did not even get on the computer for 17 days and when I did it was to respond to emails. So, the next part of the contest did not happen. Sorry!! I am hoping to get it up and going again during this month, as well as play catch up in our designing, get some things in the store.
Right now we are still dealing with jet lag. Getting up in the morning is almost impossible, but at night, when we should be going to bed, we are still awake. The first few days it was 3 in the morning and we were getting sleepy, but it is better midnight we are going to sleep if we are lucky. The early mornings still feel like the middle of the night though. Most of the putting away from the luggage that was unpacked and "piled" here and there is done. I think I am just getting down to craft items that seem to build rather than disappear.
So, if you have been watching and waiting, don't give up. I have discovered I am way over-committed and not sure what I am going to do about it yet, but know that I do not physically and mentally have enough energy to keep going at the pace we were at before. Nor do I want to. Too many things I enjoy are getting put on the back burner for when "I find time" and I have been watching the fact the time has just flown by, wondering where it went and not much memory of doing anything. I will try and keep you all posted on what I actually change. For now I need to get groceries so we can eat and get things moving on the Church Christmas Fair!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Did you miss the contest?

We had our first contest here at Turtles Rainbow...and had a winner of their choice of kits from our store. What did she have to do? She had to figure out exactly what was used in the layout that Tammy had done...and email me the list. How hard was that? If you want to join in on the next one, keep your eye open...within the next few days there will be another layout posted and another chance to win a free kit!

Freebie Brag Book Pages For YOU!!

Tammy (Phreyfall) was busy again...and she created 2 great brag book pages for you. These are using our May Mothers Day kit, (found in the store at Deco-Pages here).
Again, these can be turned any direction and will compliment any photo!!

Where can you get them at? They are stored here, with the others on 4share! Download here.
These are the MayMothersDayBB!! Please leave some love if you download! If you want her to make more she has to feel wanted!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

We have a winner!!

I woke up this morning to find the winning email in my in-box! Catherine gave the correct guesses, which were:
Background: Snow Much Fun
Heart: Ever After
Pink button: The B's Have It
Bow: Country Potpourri
White flower: The B's Have It
Lt brown stamp: The Journey Traveled
Tag mat: The B's Have It

I have already sent her an email telling her I will get her kit to her right away. If you want to check out her blog, it is Rockin' Like A Hermit Crab which I think is pretty cool she guessed right...


There will be another contest next month! Watch for the layout...

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Some good guesses!!

We have had some good guesses, but still no winner!! This contest will close by June 30th so keep trying!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Do you need to see that LO larger?

Tammy also posted it at can go here and see it larger! Might make it a bit easier for you to see!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Freebies!! 2 Brag Book Pages

I am only about a month behind...going to post the brag book pages that my wonderful CT, Phreyfall created..and then post the info about the contest... You have all waited long enough, time I got in gear!

The kit, as you probably know, can be found here.

The 2 brag book pages? They are on! The name of the zip is ParisDesignsSunKissed2BBPagesJune14. I put the date in so we can keep track. I believe that means there are more coming. Enjoy! Please leave alittle love below or on 4share if you download. Thanks!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Freebies--2 Brag Book Pages

Phreyfall did it again.. created 2 lovely pages for you, using our Sun Kissed kit. The bottom one could be used vertically, the top horizontal only. I have added the zip to the files, and make sure you look for the name ParisDesigns-SunKiss2pgs in the files. Click on the name above or on the preview...both take you to the 4-shared file!! It is near the center, as I have left them all up, in case someone missed one.

Oh...where has the time gone?

I have some wonderful brag book pages for you...they should have been up by now! The weeks fly by and seems so do the weekends. I am obviously not getting things caught up if my blog is any indication! And the contest!?!! Oh yes... before the weekend is out, I will get a brag book page or two up and the contest instructions for winning a free kit of ours. Keep your eyes open for it...coming soon!