Monday, June 4, 2007

Been a busy couple of weeks!

Wow... I thought I was keeping up with things here and see I am behind, again. Michel and I have managed to put another kit into the store, Ever After. It was a big change from our normal strong, rich colors that Michel prefers...this is more of what I love. Soft, frilly, gems, lace, bows and ribbons that shimmer and are almost transparent. The flowers we added were from real flowers so they are very life-like, right down to a small bug on one!! We also got another kit into the Club, for club members.

This month the Deco-Pages club is close to a giga in items for club members to download. That is not a small amount of items!! Be sure to go to Deco Pages and check it out. They are also voting on a new logo to change the look at the site, we have just put out a CT Call for the Deco Store... new things are happening all through Deco-Pages! If you have not checked it out before, be sure to do it now!

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Ideas are just bouncing around!!

The wonderful thing about designing is one thing leads to ten others. Of course that is providing you are not in a creative dry spell. I am setting here this morning looking at the sun shining finally, our "badly in need of cleaning" apartment and a list of the next things I need to try and get done and think "I want to go out for a walk." I should but I won't, unless I pack a little lunch and make it during that time. With the camera of course.

I was looking through the site, reading threads and coming up with all kinds of ideas about add-ons to the kits we have, splitting them up, our next kit going into the club (is a fun and very colorful month coming!!) and know it will be a busy weekend and that I need many more days of being able to set at the computer uninterrupted (meaning not fixing meals, not sleeping, not going to work, you know the little things) to be able to complete my list in a timely fashion.

I have some kits to work on for the creative teams I am on as well. Just picked up an adorable one from Mona Minnie at Scraptures, called Fruity Fresh and a package of double stitched frames to go with it. I think it will make some great layouts, her kits always do!! I also have one from Carolyn Rupley at Deco Pages, Day at the Beach and two from Mary Ridgway, also at Deco Pages, Golden Summer and Simplicity. Get my thought process here? I am definitely thinking of summer, fresh fruit, beach time, picnics, vacation.... you got it. Also a great time to come up with even more ideas to create!

Well, so much for my dreaming of what is to come.... back to work!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Our Wonderful Creative Team!

As of right now we have 5 people officially on our creative team (not counting myself). They are, in alphabetical order, Cinna, Colette, MrsB, NW Lady, and Tacha. Their layouts using our kit are popping up around in different sites. Deco-Pages is a sure thing though. Michel created a "blinkie" for them to put into their signature. So if you see this anywhere in a gallery, you know they are one of our wonderfully creative team members!! Leave them some love and let them know what a great job they are doing in their creations!

Well Dressed Man

This is our 3rd kit actually in the store. It is exciting to watch our kits grow. Each time we get one finished we end up with 2 or 3 more ideas brewing, not enough time to do them all, YET! I have done 3 layouts using this kit, and hardly touched it. I also found it to be very versatile to use. Doing this helps me decide what else we may need or want in the kit, or, what doesn't work well. Hope you like it as much as we enjoyed working on it! This can be found under Paris Designs in the Deco-Pages Store!

A Mad Ride in Time

Ever since we became a real design team, time has just sort of become on a different zone for me. I think of it as Paris Designs Time Zone. My days just disappear, running from thing to thing, trying to stay at least semi-caught up, at least not going further behind. Well, it was not working. I ended up resigning from being a moderator at Gotta Pixel. Miss all the great people there as I don't get there as much, as often, nor for the same thing. Now I just come and go there, like any other member. That happened Sunday, May 20. Today, I resigned from Scrap2Basics. I learned a lot from doing all of the different things I did, but love where we are at now. Not only at the Deco-Pages site, but also as a design team working together. Speaking of which...we now have 3 kits in the store!! You saw the one below, here is a preview of the 12 quick pages that are packaged up and in the store. I had a ball with these. A good friend, Cinna, helped with 3 of them, she loves to do quick pages! She is also on our creative team so she gets to work with the kits. I will tell you more about our CT team shortly. Hope you enjoy seeing them! They can be found at the Deco-Pages Store!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Shaina's Birthday

Shaina's birthday was yesterday. Of course I for some reason was sure it was the 27th. Her mom laughed at me and is not for 2 more days. I said, are you sure? She laughed harder and said, yes, I was there. So...I said, ok, don't give her the e-mail cards yet and I will recall on Sunday. They both had a good laugh over the fact that Gma Patti got confused. I said, just think, in ?? number of years, you will be like me. That got more of a gulp than a laugh, but I got a good laugh from it! I did a quick layout of Shaina with the new kit. Ok, since you asked so nicely again... here it is.

The photo is actually 2 different ones. The background of it is from their trip to Paris at the terminal in Detroit...where it plays music and changes colors. The part of the photo with her was when they took the photo of her on her great grandma's bed after getting her hair all braided. I just extracted the 2 areas and put them together for the layout. Digital is so wonderful... no more pitched photos because they are not what we wanted or turned out badly. They can always be used for something!! There are 3 of us who are Taurus. Shaina, Michel and myself. My daughter is Aries. A bunch of strong wills there! is late and I am off to bed.
Night all!

We did it!!

Well, we actually uploaded our very first kit into the store today. Had loads of little bugs to work out but it is done! Yipee!! You want to see what it looks like?? Ok, since you asked :) here is the preview of it. You can look at a closer detail at the store at Deco Pages. We had a ball making it, must have said several times, ok, all finished. Only to have him come home the next day and say, I made a couple more things for the kit... want to see? So I would laugh, say sure, great, look at them, and they were... but the kit kept getting larger and larger. We are already discussing an add on as he was "thinking, oh, there are other things we could do for the kit also. LOL. Here is the link! We are both thrilled with it, hope you are too :)! Deco-Pages Store!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Trying my hand.... and now we try our hands together!

Big news!! Michel and I have been accepted as a design team at Deco Pages!! I have really not said much to anyone, but now it is official, I can say it. Interestingly I also entered a contest the same day I was put on the team, for designing the banner. My design is above. The voting will be after April 30. who knows, maybe it will win! The kit I used was Mary Ridgeway's January Club Kit, at Deco Pages. It should be in the store soon for sale separately. It was a big decision and step for us. Up to now I have been "dabbling" in design, and heavy into creative team (CT) work. I love that aspect, but as that is also needed, designing quick pages, doing CT work for for our own kits, I am getting both worlds. My list of things to do has just gotten much much longer with the acceptance to the team though. I am lucky my hubby takes an interest in design also and we can do this together. We can spend hours working on new items, papers, discussing colors, what we need, changes that need made. Now if we could just get a "wife" to clean the house and make the meals, life would be wonderful. This wife doesn't seem to do a good job of that, spends way too much time here in front of the computer (laughing). And with that you would think we would be loosing weight. Guess all of that setting does not help because that is not happening either! Keep watching... you will be some of the first to see our creations!

Friday, April 6, 2007

A Friend in Need

I have a wonderful friend. Well, I have many, but this one comes and goes to Paris periodically and we manage to have a lunch, a talk and lots of laughs. We always laugh together. She and her husband lost their dog a couple of years ago. It was a horrible time for them. I received a note from her 2 weeks ago I believe, said they had "adopted a new dog, it was time". When she told me poodle, I thought, no way... you see dogs with their owners and see why they go so well together. For me she needed an Airedale. Tall, flowing, thin... moves with a natural grace just like my friend. Well, I received a photo last week of just the dog and I though, hmmm... just maybe because the dog for one thing is obviously tall, his head is the same height as the back of her couch. Poof went the picture in my head of this noisy small toy poodle. (I have known many like that unfortunately!) This morning while trying to wake up I was reading my e-mail.

Side note here... for those of you who get e-mails from me in the morning, you should realize it is the very first thing I do with my 1st cup of coffee, so if it does not make sense at points within the body of the e-mail, you now have the knowledge of why!

Where was I? Oh yes, my e-mail this morning. She sent me a new photo of her with the dog that her husband had taken. She was taking a well needed break from cleaning before company arrives and was relaxing with the dog. Poof went the remaining photo in my head of them and the dog I had thought would be great. Nothing can beat the real thing! This is what I call a friend when needed.